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Lady Hannah's Holiday (Spirited Storms #5) (The Spirited Storms) Page 21
Lady Hannah's Holiday (Spirited Storms #5) (The Spirited Storms) Read online
Page 21
At that Miss Palmer smiled. “Martha, I’ve always known that the day my father left this world was the day I’d free his property,” she ended with disgust. “Everyone has served this plantation well, and I hope that you continue to do so, but my father was a cruel man and many carry the scars of his brutality.” Tears began to fall from her eyes. “If I can do nothing else, I will end his barbaric practice of slavery.”
“Everyone, Miss Palmer?” Martha questioned in disbelief.
“Everyone, Martha. I only have one request and that is if anyone wishes to leave, that they please wait until after my father is buried, as I’ll need the time to adjust.”
“Of course, Miss Palmer, though I doubt anyone will be in a hurry to leave now that your father is gone, but you might not want to make promises you cannot keep.”
“I agree,” Milan offered.
“I don’t understand,” Francine searched his eyes.
“You may be your father’s only child, but that doesn’t mean he left you in control, which means, you may not carry the power to free anyone.”
Francine drew back. “Well, we shall see about that.” With a lift of her chin, her spine straightened. “I’m done doing what I’ve been bidden to do. I’ve been my father’s pawn since birth and though I mourn his passing, I am free of his tyranny, as will be everyone else who lives on this land.”
“Goodness, I didn’t think she had the strength within her,” Jillian muttered.
“Sometimes it only takes a twist of fate to find it,” Sam murmured.
To which Jillian smiled. “Or, the right gentleman to come along.”
Hannah didn’t need to be told that Jillian was speaking of herself. Her father had been controlling as well, and Hannah knew that Francine Palmer would come out of this maybe better than she was before, as had Jillian.
Chapter 29
Out of respect for Francine, Ashton attended Palmer’s funeral along with Milan, Sam, Roxburg and Nate. Other than Palmers’ solicitor and his doctor, nobody else was in attendance. Despite the power he wielded, he had no friends. Such was usually the case when one was a tyrant.
Francine’s father had been so confident in his daughter marrying that he made no provisions in his will or estate for a guardian if she remained unwed. Therefore, by default, she now had complete control of his finances and property and as promised, her first duty was to ask her solicitor and Milan to begin the documentation granting freedom to each enslaved person her father had owned.
Further, none of them abandoned Francine. They hated her father but had been powerless. Now that they had a choice, they stayed because they’d cared about her. Though, Ashton also suspected there were few places they could go. Just because freedom was granted didn’t mean there was much freedom to be enjoyed by former slaves in a place such as Barbados.
“Thank you for being here,” Francine announced as she entered the parlor, dressed in black crepe as required. Mourning would also mean that she could not marry Milan as quickly as she had hoped, but they were willing to wait for the sake of propriety, given there was no longer anything, or anyone, to object to their union.
“Though this is a wake, I prefer we address a business matter.” She turned to Ashton. “You may consider your debt to my father paid in full. I will not hold it over you.”
“That is not necessary.”
“Ah but it is,” she smiled. “I’m marrying the eldest. Wasn’t that the clause for releasing the debt?”
“When it was your father making the demands, yes,” Ashton answered. “However, my father did incur a debt, which I’m certain is still owed. I’d not have you be cheated.” Though he had no way of knowing how or when that debt would be paid, he’d not renege on it now. Unlike Palmer, he did have honor and integrity.
“I’m certain the amount my father claimed is much higher than what was actually owed. I learned at his knee how to cheat, and I’ll not continue the practice.”
“As you said, an amount is still owed.”
She studied him with a bit of calculation. “How much is in your purse?”
Did she really just ask him that?
“Your purse. How much do you keep on your person?”
“Not much,” he admitted. It wasn’t as if he planned on being in a position where he might need to purchase anything. “Ten pounds I believe.”
“I’ll accept that as payment in full.” She held out her hand.
“Don’t argue with her Ashton,” Milan laughed.
“Besides, I don’t feel right taking money from family,” she insisted. “Ten pounds is the exact amount that will set matters right.”
Frowning, Ashton withdrew the purse and handed over the funds. After she took it, Francine crossed to the desk and retrieved the document and then tore it to shreds. “I believe our business is concluded.” She grinned. “Now, tell me, when do you and Hannah plan to wed?”
Hannah couldn’t believe that she and Ashton were finally married. It didn’t happen as quickly as she would have liked, but the day had finally arrived. This morning they had said their vows before the vicar and now they were about to conclude the wedding breakfast. Tonight, she’d be in his arms.
Her face heated. Ashton wouldn’t just hold and kiss her once they were alone, and as nervousness settled within her bones, anticipation of what was to come heated her from within.
Though they hadn’t anticipated the vows, Ashton had shown her other ways to enjoy passion and she couldn’t wait to learn more. Her breasts ached in expectation of his caresses and kisses, as much as her most private areas ached for his touch once again.
They probably shouldn’t have done all the things that they had, but she was glad for those stolen moments, for it only made her eager for tonight instead of fearing the unknown.
Sam stood and looked at Hannah. “Please join Nate and I for a moment, would you?”
She frowned. What was this about? Ashton had already met with her brothers regarding the marriage settlement. What else was there to discuss?
“Hannah, there is nothing to be worried about so erase that frown,” Nate chuckled.
Oh, she hated it when her brothers could read her so clearly. “Very well,” she huffed, and she and Ashton followed her brothers into the library.
Sam pulled a key from his pocket and then unlocked the top drawer of his desk.
Blast! She’d completely forgotten that he’d locked away correspondence from Danby and she had intended on snooping to read everything that he’d written.
He withdrew the papers, glanced through them and removed three sheets, handing them over to her.
“These are in order, and it is best that you read them as such.”
With a frown, Hannah settled into the chair and took them from her brother.
“What are they?” Ashton asked.
“You’ll see,” Nate chuckled.
Hannah could feel her husband behind her shoulder as she read the first letter.
I’m sending Hannah to you because Wingate won’t come here. Do your part and see them matched and married before their return. Enclosed is a Special License so that there is no impediment to their vows. I do loath not having complete control of the situation, but I trust that you will do as instructed or you might just find me on your doorstep come summer.
I understand that Wingate may be suffering some financial difficulties. Do not let that stand in the way.
P.S. Your sister, Tabitha, will also wed this winter. I’ve chosen Andrew Delaney, Viscount Straffan, and will ensure their introduction at Christmas.
She gasped. “Danby planned this all along?” Blast! She was certain that she’d outsmarted him, and it irritated her to no end that she had failed.
“Read the second one,” Sam instructed.
Instead she looked to her brother. “If he provided a Special License, why did you make us wait?”
“Because we weren’t certain of your reaction, given your stubborn nature.” Nate grinned, but what truly bothered her was that Ashton laughed.
“Read it,” Sam instructed as if losing patience.
Samuel and Nathaniel,
Danby has made me aware of his plans for Hannah and Lord Wingate, though this must be a first since I do not believe Danby has ever confided in anyone in his life. Needless to say, he’s arranged for Hannah to travel to you for the holidays. The only reason is because Wingate has refused Danby’s invitation to the Castle for Christmas. If only we all had the nerve to refuse such an invitation.
But I digress. Apparently he made note of Lord Wingate’s interest in Hannah last spring and was assured by Nate that Hannah was not opposed to Lord Wingate’s pursuit. Therefore, as both will be in Barbados, please see what you can do about a courtship. If it is the wish of Wingate and Hannah, you may act in my place in granting permission to court, become betrothed and negotiating a marriage settlement. Truthfully, I’ve never had to do this before, but if necessary, Hannah brings fifteen thousand pounds as a dower. If they marry on the island, which would probably be best for Hannah, I plan on letting Danby break the news to Mother. And, if that were to happen, the two of you might wish to remain away another year or two as I do believe it will take that long for our mother to recover.
“He’s right,” Hannah murmured. “But I do think he’s being generous. It’s going to take mother much longer than a year or two to forgive the three of us.”
“The last letter is addressed to you.” Sam smiled.
Dearest Hannah,
If you are reading this letter, then I am assured that your brothers have followed my instructions and you are soon to become the Marchioness of Wingate.
Hannah gasped and looked up at Sam who only laughed.
Did you believe that I’d stand in the way of a perfectly matched union? While Wingate’s father was an ass, the son is not. It had been my plan to bring Wingate to Danby Castle for Christmas but when he informed me that it was his intention to be in Barbados for the holiday, and knowing that Lady Whitley missed her daughter, I arranged for a reason for you to be present as well. I must admit, it worked out even better than my original plan since your mother would not be there to offer interference.
However, let this be a lesson to your siblings that my reach goes far beyond the shores of England and if they think to attempt thwarting my influence, remind them that I can arrange any marriage I see fit, in any location, at any time. No town or country is too far.
Hannah fell back in her chair. “He outwitted me.”
“Have you ever known anyone who outfoxed Danby?” Nate asked.
“You,” she basically accused.
“That wouldn’t have been outwitting because even if Ben hadn’t been there, Danby would have realized his mistake.”
“Danby doesn’t believe he makes mistakes.”
“Nor does it matter,” Sam insisted. “This turned out exactly as you wished.”
“He still manipulated me. Manipulated the situation by sending me here.” Oh, this was aggravating.
“Would you rather have waited until spring?” Nate asked.
“No,” she grumbled.
“Need I remind you that had your uncle not intervened, I might be married to Francine now,” Ashton pointed out.
“No, you wouldn’t,” she argued.
“You don’t know that. All was lost until you pointed out that eldest son didn’t necessarily mean me.”
She turned in her seat. “You mean you might have married her?”
“Only if given no other option and if you recall, we were out of options.”
Begrudgingly she had to admit that Danby’s manipulation had saved Ashton from an unhappy fate and delivered her the husband she desired.
Oh, she hated to admit that he was right.
“Come on.” Ashton pulled the documents from her hand. “It’s been a long day and we should return to Roxburg’s.”
“Long day?” Nate questioned.
“The sun hasn’t even set,” argued Sam.
“Hannah’s things have been delivered to Roxburg’s and I’m certain she would like to make certain all of her belongings are unpacked and put away.”
Sam and Nate stared at Ashton, their jaws set, as if they didn’t believe him.
Then again, she didn’t believe him either, but Hannah wasn’t about to stand around and quibble about why they needed to leave.
“You’re right, of course.” She took her husband’s hand and pulled him toward the door. “I’m very particular about how my things are stored and I wouldn’t want something to be misplaced.” As she reached the door. “Thank you for the wedding breakfast, we’ll see you tomorrow, or another day.”
As soon as the door closed behind them, Ashton swept her up in his arms. “What are the chances of escaping without anyone taking note?” he whispered.
“If we hurry and are quiet, I’m certain we’ll find success.”
Instead of starting for the front door, Ashton turned and crossed to an empty sitting room and exited to the veranda. “I’ll have my horse saddled.”
“No carriage?” Hannah asked.
He leaned in and kissed her, deep and long until she was breathless and then lifted his head. “Do you really wish to wait for it to be readied?”
“I don’t wish to wait for your horse to be saddled,” she admitted.
He grinned. “As much as I wish to have you alone and do everything that I’ve imagined, I prefer it be in the privacy of my bedchamber.”
Her entire body heated in anticipation. “As would I.”
Ashton leaned forward as if he was about to kiss her.
“The carriage awaits out front.”
They both startled to find the butler standing just within the parlor. “Mr. Storm anticipated that you might wish to leave following the wedding breakfast.”
“He did, did he?” Hannah complained. “Then why all that talk about it being early or being light out.”
“Does it really matter, Hannah?” Ashton turned and marched through the house and didn’t stop until he exited and then handed her into the carriage. As it pulled away from Sam’s house, he swept her onto his lap.
“Let’s not worry about anyone but us for now.” He then took her lips again, nearly devouring her.
Hannah grasped his shoulders, mating her tongue with his as Ashton’s hand slid up her leg beneath her gown.
“What are you doing?” she laughed.
“I thought it was rather obvious.”
“We are in a carriage,” she hissed.
“We’ve done the same in a carriage before.” He grinned. “I believe you rather enjoyed yourself.”
Her entire body heated remembering the first time he’d brought her to pleasure.
“Yes, but the trip we had taken was longer than this one.” He’d nearly had her undressed, but there had been no fear of being interrupted as he had been taking her to visit another town, hours away from where they were staying.
Ashton removed his hand and smoothed her gown.
“You are correct, of course, but be warned, I’ve no intention of letting you leave our chamber until tomorrow, or maybe the day after.
Hannah looped her arms about his neck. “Is that a promise?”
“Do you doubt me?” he returned.
To which Hannah grinned. “Lord Wingate, I shall never doubt you in anything.”
“See that you don’t.” And with that, he took her lips again and didn’t stop kissing her until the carriage stopped and he swept her up in her arms and carried her to his chamber, from which they didn’t emerge for two days.
Dear Readers
Thank you for reading LADY HANNAH’S HOLIDAY, the fifth book in the Spirited Storms series.
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If you’ve not had a chance to read the first book in the Spirited Storms Series—Christmas Spirits, the first chapter follows.
Excerpt – Christmas Spirits
(Book #1 of the Spirited Storms Series)
© Copyright 2015 – Jane Charles
All Rights Reserved
Danby Castle, Yorkshire ~ December 17, 1816
Benjamin Storm, Earl of Kenley, eyed his great-uncle, the Duke of Danby, with trepidation. For the past year and a half he’d been able to avoid His Grace, but no longer. The threat in the missive was non-specific, but Benjamin was not about to take any chances. While he wasn’t exactly certain what His Grace could actually do to him, the gentleman was the Duke of Danby and held almost as much power as Prinny or the Prime Minister.
“Where are your siblings?” His Grace demanded. “I was very specific that you bring them with you.”
Benjamin resisted the urge to pull at his cravat and sat straighter in the chair before His Grace’s massive desk. “I have no idea where Nathaniel is, though last I heard, he was in India.” That was months ago. His brother could be anywhere right now and if he ever bothered to write, Ben would know where that was.