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Ruined by a Lady (Spirited Storms #3) (The Spirited Storms) Page 10
Ruined by a Lady (Spirited Storms #3) (The Spirited Storms) Read online
Page 10
“Love?” Surely she hadn’t heard him correctly.
“Yes.” He smiled. “My mind is telling me that it’s impossible as we hardly know one another, but my heart says otherwise.”
She heard what he was saying--very clearly, yet she feared she was mistaken, or misunderstanding him. How was it possible that Samuel Storm loved her?
“Well, say something,” he prodded her.
“I’m not sure what to say.”
The smile slipped from Samuel’s lips. “Is it possible you do not return my feelings?”
She stared into the depths of his emerald eyes, warmth flooding her, her chest growing tight with emotion. “But I do. I just can’t believe you would love me.”
He grinned then chuckled. “Ah, Jillian, there is much to love about you, and if it takes my entire life, I will convince you.”
A life with Samuel Storm sounded like pure heaven. “I would like that.” Except, her father would never allow it. “But it’s impossible.”
“Your father?”
She nodded.
“Then we won’t waste our time seeking his permission.”
“But we must.”
“Not if you allow me to take you to Gretna Green. There we’ll marry and make our way to Edinburgh, and then take a ship to Barbados, leaving England behind for as long as you wish.”
She’d dreamed of starting over. Samuel was giving her that chance. And she’d be with him and only him. To be loved and to love him back. It was frightening and a risk, but far better than what awaited her here—a marriage of convenience to a gentleman she could never love. “Yes!”
“Thank God. I wasn’t sure what I would do if you rejected me.”
She couldn’t help but laugh.
“And, I hope to hear you laugh often,” he said right before taking her lips with his. Her knees nearly gave way as heat rushed through her veins and she grasped his shoulders to remain upright.
“Unhand my daughter now!”
Samuel stilled and lifted his head. “I’m afraid I cannot do that, Your Grace. You see, Jillian has consented to be my wife.”
“I’ll have you strung up from the gallows for molesting my daughter if you do not step away from her now.”
She’d heard her father angry before, but the determination in his voice chilled her to the bone. Jillian pulled away from Samuel and turned to face her father.
Samuel did not want to relinquish Jillian to her father for fear that he’d never see her again, so he grasped onto her hand.
“I suggest we take this matter to a private room before all of us are embarrassed,” Danby said as he approached.
Bloody hell. His great-uncle was only going to make matters more difficult since he’d ordered Samuel to stay away from Jillian. He should tell them both to go to hell and then run from the theatre with Jillian at his side. Danby was old and couldn’t keep up, and Eldridge was too stiff and proper to give chase.
“We don’t need your interference,” Eldridge barked.
“I disagree as it is your daughter attempting to ruin my great-nephew.” Then Danby glared at Samuel. “I told you that I did not want you to pursue Lady Jillian,” his great-uncle ground out.
“You have no say in what I do,” Sam countered and couldn’t help the little bit of pleasure at thwarting Danby. He wanted Jillian regardless, but it was doubly sweet knowing Danby hated the idea so very much. “And I don’t believe it’s possible for a lady to ruin a gentleman.”
“Ha!” Danby barked. “It is when that gentleman is my relation.” He thumped a cane and looked around. “There’s got to be a damn private room around here somewhere.”
“Pardon me.” A young man in the theatre livery came hurrying down the hall. “You are disturbing the patrons.”
Both dukes glared at him and the young man stopped instantly, eyes wide as if he were just recognizing them, then quickly executed a bow. “My apologies, Your Graces.”
“Where can we talk privately?” Danby demanded.
“I’m not talking to you at all but taking my daughter home.”
“Please, this way,” the young man begged, nearly in panic.
Danby and Eldridge glared at each other and Sam was highly sick of the two of them thinking they had control over him or Jillian. He’d let them say their peace, but in the end, she would be his regardless of their objections.
Sam put a hand at the small of Jillian’s back and guided her down the corridor, following the young man until they came to an out of the way parlor of sorts.
Eldridge slammed the door behind them after entering and turned his anger on Danby. “I will have you know that it was Storm who was molesting my daughter, not the other way around.”
“It appeared to me they were both enjoying the interlude,” Danby argued.
“How dare you!” Eldridge took a step forward. “I’ve a mind to call you out.”
“Don’t be a bloody fool, Eldridge. We’re both too old for such juvenile stupidity.”
Eldridge gasped at the insult.
“Enough!” Sam yelled. “Neither one of you has a say. Jillian is of an age to make her own decisions, and we intend to marry whether either of you like it or not.”
“She will not.” Eldridge grabbed Jillian’s arm in an attempt to drag her to him, making her wince.
Sam saw red when pain slashed through Jillian’s eyes. “You will let go of my betrothed this instant,” he said with cold deliberation as he tightened his hand into a fist. He didn’t give a damn if the man was a duke and would plant him a facer if he didn’t relinquish his hold on Jillian.
Eldridge looked him in the eye and must have realized Sam was not to be trifled with because he slowly let his hand drop. Sam drew Jillian back to his side.
“We should discuss this tomorrow when we all have cooler heads,” Eldridge offered. “You may call on Jillian at noon, and the three of us will discuss the future.”
“You are mistaken, Your Grace,” Sam said. “Jillian and I leave for Gretna Green tonight. After the way you just treated her, do you really think I’d allow you to take her home without my protection?”
“He wouldn’t hurt me, Samuel,” Jillian insisted.
“Perhaps, but I don’t trust that he won’t move you to the country or hide you sometime during the night.”
The tightening of Eldridge’s jaw was all the proof Sam needed to know that he’d guessed at the duke’s plans.
“I will accompany her to her home and wait while she packs for our trip. I will not be leaving her alone with you.”
Eldridge straightened. “And if I refuse? I can have you stopped anywhere from here to Gretna and have you arrested for kidnapping.”
A chill ran down his spine and Sam amended his plans. Just because everyone eloping went to Gretna Green didn’t mean it was necessary that they do. A couple could be married over the anvil anywhere in Scotland and Sam fully intended for their marriage to take place in Edinburgh as soon as they crossed the border and before boarding a ship. Not that he’d share his plans with Eldridge.
“Which is why they will be traveling in my carriage, surrounded by my guard. Nobody would dare stop my carriage,” Danby announced.
Sam blinked at his great-uncle. “I thought you were against my marriage to Lady Jillian.”
His Grace’s eyes widened for a moment and then he shrugged. “Samuel, you and Nathaniel have always been stubborn. Even from birth when you didn’t have the courtesy to arrive in a timely manner. I knew the more I forbade you to pursue and court Lady Jillian, the more likely you would do, just to spite me.” Danby grinned. “And I do believe it worked out well.”
“I did not pursue her simply to spite you, Your Grace.”
“Of course not, but you must admit that in doing so, you took great pleasure when believing you thwarted me.”
Bloody hell, Danby had manipulated him. Not that he pushed Sam toward Jillian, but defying him had been immensely enjoyable. Sam hated the fact
that he’d played right into his great-uncle’s hands.
This was not how her marriage was to have been. Jillian was to have worn an elegant gown of lace in St. Paul’s with all of Society looking on. Not in a blacksmith’s shop, holding a bouquet of wild flowers while wearing a travel-stained gown. However, she wouldn’t change anything about her wedding for all of the world.
This was her wedding, and it was perfect. Simple and honest and she’d never doubt Samuel’s love again. Not only had he stood up to her father, but he’d whisked her away in almost a fairytale fashion. Their trip north was filled with love and laughter in the comfortable traveling coach owned by his great-uncle.
Samuel slipped a thin gold band onto her finger. “I promise to purchase a more appropriate ring.”
“Don’t.” She stared at the gold. “This is perfect and I want no other.”
And then, before the smithy could finish announcing they were married, Samuel swept her up in his arms and lowered his mouth to hers, practically devouring her, heating her blood, as he’d done so often during their trip north. Except this time, he wouldn’t stop with just kissing her, and she couldn’t wait to find out what pleasures awaited them both.
“The inn is across the road,” the smithy said after clearing his throat.
Samuel pulled back and set her back on the ground. “Thank you.”
“My pleasure,” the smithy grinned. “Now run along.”
Samuel tucked her hand into the crook of his arm and led her to the inn. “We will remain here tonight or maybe a week.” He winked at her. “And, then we’ll return to London.”
Jillian stopped. “I thought we were traveling on to Barbados.” Of course, it’s what she had assumed because of what he’d said at the theatre, but they really hadn’t discussed further plans.
“I wish to show off my wife.” He grinned. “I think it’s time you actually enjoyed a Season, and I also plan to see that my sisters do as well.”
He led her up the stairs to the room they’d now share and stopped before the door.
“But first, it’s time to truly make you my wife.”
Jane Charles is a USA Today Bestselling author who has lived in the Midwest her entire life. As a child she would more likely be found outside with a baseball than a book in her hand. In fact, Jane hated reading until she was sixteen. Out of boredom on a long road trip she borrowed her older sister’s historical romance and fell in love with reading. She long ago lost count of how many novels she has read over the years and her love for them never died. Along with romance she has a passion for history and the two soon combined when she penned her first historical romance. What turned into a hobby became a passion. In addition to historical romances, she has been pulled to write contemporary and began penning her new series, Baxter Academy of Arts. She intends to continue writing both historical and contemporary.
Connect with Jane
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Compromised For Christmas
Landing a Laird
A Misguided Lord
A Perfect Gentlemen
Devil in Her Dreams
A Lass For Christmas
A Reluctant Rake
Lady Revealed
Lady Disguised
Lady Concealed
A Tenacious Trent’s Wedding
Lady Admired
Christmas Spirits
Ruined by a Lady
Weathering Captain Storm
To Walk in the Sun
Ghosts From the Past
His Impetuous Debutante
His Contrary Bride
His Not So Sensible Miss
His Christmas Match
Her Muse, Lord Patrick
Her Muse, Her Magic
Her Muse, Her David
Her Muse, His Grace
Baxter Boys
Rattled: Rattled #1 (Baxter Boys Series ~ Rattled)
Still Rattled: Rattled #2 (Baxter Boys Series ~ Rattled)
The Rattle Box: Rattled #3 (Baxter Boys Series ~ Rattled)
* * *
Baxter Academy
Valentine Wishes: The Legacy #1 (Baxter Academy Series ~ The Legacy)
Colors of You: The Academy #1 (Baxter Academy Series ~ The Academy)
Shadows of Memory: The Academy #2 (Baxter Academy Series ~ The Academy)
Casting Doubt: The Academy #3 (Baxter Academy Series ~ The Academy)
Between the Lines: The Academy #4 (Baxter Academy Series ~ The Academy)